What Is Sports Festival? How To Organize A Professional Sports Festival

Sports Day is known as an important event for businesses to create a playground for all employees in the business to have the opportunity to exercise, socialize, and practice sports. Below is detailed information about the professional sports festival event organized by HoaBinh Events.

What is a sports day?

Besides popular team-building fun activities, this type of sports festival is gradually winning the hearts of event organizers. This is a fun activity, creating many exciting and energizing memories for all employees. Through sports days, it is possible to ensure maximum participation, cooperation, and team bonding. Participating in company sports days is a great way to bond with members, improve health and fitness, and learn team spirit through organized activities.

At the sports festival, participants not only gain knowledge about the role of sports in life and experience sports activities, but they can also create many beautiful memories with close colleagues on their devices.

The sports element in work is not only organized to ensure health training and stress control but also to create opportunities for people to have fun and learn from each other. Sports not only help relieve stress but also help build teams, promote healthy lifestyles, and motivate employees to work effectively. It allows your employees to interact closely with company leaders as well as colleagues in other departments.

The meaning of the sports festival program

1. Exercise

The family festival is organized with the main purpose of creating a playground for everyone to exercise. At the event, there were many activities taking place simultaneously. Among them, team-building games and traditional sports activities will be attractive activities to help exercise your health after tiring working days at the office or factory.

2. Skills development

Personal skills are also developed and improved through activities in the sports festival program. Activities organized in the sports festival program are usually: entertainment programs; traditional sports activities (soccer, volleyball); attractive team-building games exclusive to HoaBinh Events.

These are all individual and group activities, helping each individual develop thinking. Practice some skills such as observation skills, problem-solving skills, teamwork skills,…

3. Relax and relieve stress

After stressful working hours and running KPIs at the office, sports festival events will be the time for everyone to have fun, relax, and experience sports together. Entertaining activities, fun games, and laughter help you feel more at ease in your mind and spirit.

4. Team bonding

Activities organized in the sports festival program include both individual and group games. Individual games help each person realize their strengths and weaknesses and practice necessary personal skills such as problem-solving skills, decision-making skills, etc.

Besides, team activities will help develop individuals in the business in the direction of uniting everyone into a united block and coordinating well with each other to achieve the most worthy results. The effort of each individual to contribute to a team helps all players realize the values of solidarity. That is also what businesses want when organizing large events for employees.

5. Developing corporate culture

Corporate culture is built on the promotion of existing cultural values while creating new values consistent with the development orientation of the enterprise. Each individual has a unique personality and character. But when you come and work at a business, you need to make changes to fit the corporate culture.

When appropriate, you continue to be a creator and develop culture through communicating, having fun, and working with other colleagues. Each person’s unique personality, when integrated into the corporate culture, will create novelty and uniqueness, thereby helping the corporate culture become more diverse and better.

The most standard sports festival organization process

1. Opening the program

Before opening the program, all members of the business will gather in the program area. Members will be divided into departments, classes, etc. and participate in the sports day program together.

When all teams are present in the area in front of the event stage, business and agency leaders will go on stage to give opening speeches at the event.

2. Welcome performance

After the business leader’s speech, welcoming musical performances will be performed to create a vibrant atmosphere, helping to boost the spirits of event participants. These performances are often flash mobs and modern dances. The music has a fast, vibrant tempo to inspire and bring the best effect to the program.

These musical performances can be practiced and performed by everyone in business. Businesses can also hire more professional dance groups to make the program more elaborate and achieve greater efficiency in the process of building their business image.

3. Arrange the flycam letters

Everyone will move together to the pre-lined area to type the business name and messages associated with the business to enhance the spirit and pride of the business. At this time, the MC will coordinate with the media to save the most beautiful and impressive photos quickly and effectively.

4. Sports activities

After the word puzzle, the teams will return to the original gathering location and participate in sports activities with interesting games. These games are fun and require smooth coordination between members to increase the bond between group members. Normally, there will be about 4 games in this section.

Here are some suggestions for warm-up games in the sports festival program:

Game 1: Team coordination

Props: Each team receives one slide with a zipper.

Mission: Each team member nominates two members as a pair to compete with the other teams. One member pulls the rope to make the carpet move; the other jumps up and coordinates to avoid falling while moving. Go from the starting point to the destination and stay. The mat is passed back to the next pair. In 10 minutes, the team that moves the most members to that team wins.

Meaning: Connects members in a team, helping us understand each other better during the game.

Game 2: Team dance

Props: Each team receives one sack.

Mission: Two members of each team will stand in a sack and jump from the starting line to the finish line. At the destination, 1 member will stay, and 1 member will bring the sack back for the next pair. In 10 minutes, the team with the most members reaching the finish line wins.

Meaning: Enhance the coordination between members to create the best results for your team together.

Game 3: Join forces

Props: Teams draw two teams to compete against each other and receive gloves.

Mission: Teams nominate 30 members wearing gloves to participate in the tug-of-war game to win the next match.

Competition format: knock-out and draw rounds until the final.

Meaning: Members are more connected to each other and work together to create the best results for the team.

Game 4: Conquer the peak

Props: 6m high camouflage wall, helmets, message panels

Mission: Each member wears a helmet to conquer the top of the 6-meter wall and move down to the next member. After all members of each team complete the challenge, behind the wall there will be a panel painting attached to the wall by the organizers. All members will hold the pull cord together to make the painting meaningful. message appears.

Meaning: Together, chant slogans on the picture with a message of pride as well as looking back at a journey full of hardships and challenges that the members have accompanied and overcome together.

5. Closing

At the end of the program, the team with the most points will be the winning team. At this time, business leaders will go on stage to speak about the message that the business wants to send to employees when organizing this event.

After that, the MC will invite representatives of each team to the stage to speak about their feelings after participating in the program. Finally, business representatives will award first, second, and third prizes to the teams that have excelled in winning awards.

Reasonable location for the sports festival

1. My Retreat Dai Lai – Hamatra

Address: Hoang Hoa Tham, Ngoc Thanh Commune, Phuc Yen, Vinh Phuc

My Retreat Dai Lai – Hamatra is an entertainment and resort complex with a variety of activities such as camping, picnics, team building, events, family relaxation,… With a total area of up to 22 hectares, large space, and diverse terrain, this will be the ideal team-building and race venue for teams.

Here, visitors can organize team-building activities on a small scale (under 20 people) to large-scale team-building events (500 people). After organizing the team-building program, you can have fun, visit, and take check-in photos. Besides, visitors can combine the organization of indoor or outdoor gala programs, combining resort tourism and experiences, when coming to My Retreat Dai Lai.

2. Yen So Park

Address: National Highway 1A, Hoang Liet, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi

Yen So Park has a total area of up to 323 hectares, is covered with green grass, a clear lake surface, shady trees, bustling birdsong, and is completely separate from noise and smoke. city dust. Coming to Yen So Park, organizations and businesses can organize picnics and camping trips combined with family day events so that everyone can experience more interesting and fun activities during the day.

With a location right on the edge of Hanoi’s inner city, moving to Yen So Park is extremely convenient and easy. Therefore, this is one of the most ideal locations for holding family day events today.

3. Enterprise campus

To save on the cost of renting space for an event, businesses can choose to hold the event on the corporate campus, provided that the campus has a large area and enough capacity to accommodate a similar number of participants. response. 

Normally, for manufacturing enterprises located in industrial parks, there will be a campus area that meets that requirement. Organizing on-site helps businesses save on space rental costs and transportation costs.

HoaBinh Events: One of the professional sports festivals

HoaBinh Events is a leading professional unit in the field of event organization and team building. During our operation, we have had the opportunity to work and cooperate with thousands of individuals, organizations, and large and small businesses, providing professional team-building services at the most reasonable cost. Therefore, we are confident in our ability to bring customers the most impressive and successful team-building organization service:

  • Creative ideas and unique concepts.
  • Professional, creative, and experienced staff.
  • Modern sound and lighting systems.
  • 3D design and stage construction as required.
  • Ensure correct procedures and strict supervision.
  • Consulting and customer support 24/7.

HoaBinh Events hopes to have the opportunity to accompany and bring a perfect, professional sports festival event program to your business. For advice or to book a full event organization service, contact us through our hotline: 0913.311.911 – 0939.311.911 for 24/7 support.